Daily Gospel Reflections

Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday | September 19, 2022

Luke 8:16-18:

Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom must go out into the world. This is the mission of all disciples. In the same way that it makes no sense to light a lamp and then cover it so that it does not illuminate the darkness, the Good News is not to be kept secret. It is to be heard, understood and spread throughout the world.

Sharing faith with those who hold similar beliefs is easy. I pray for the courage to share with those who have not heard your word or seen your light.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 19, 2022

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday | September 18, 2022

Luke 16:1-13:

This parable is one of the more difficult to understand. Simply, in anticipation of his impending financial crisis resulting from his being fired for mismanaging funds, the steward goes out and reduces the debts of his master’s debtors. He wins favor with them and his master, securing his future. Jesus is not concerned with financial matters but likens it to foresight and planning in spiritual matters to secure eternity.

I spend hours planning my finances for the future and only a fraction of that time preparing for eternal life with you. I want to trust you to take care of my temporal life and focus on preparing for my eternal life with you.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 18, 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday | September 17, 2022

Luke 8:4-15:

Though the title of the parable highlights the sower, some say it should be called the parable of the sowing of the seed, God’s Word. This parable is in all three of the synoptic Gospels, which makes sense since it is about the word of God. It is one thing to simply hear the word, yet another to hear with a receptive heart, which implies acting on what one has heard.

I pray to hear, receive, and keep your word “with a generous heart.”

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 17, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday | September 16, 2022

Luke 8:1-3:

Jesus transcends the customs and prejudice of the time by his close association with women. In the Gospel, there are those who accompany him on his missionary journey, and out of gratitude for healing them, they care for Jesus and his disciples along the way.

Jesus, we, women who you have called to serve with and for you, are grateful and thankful to be able to bring others to you.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 16, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thursday | September 15, 2022

John 19:25-27:

The Gospel causes us to only imagine Mary’s suffering. There is more in that image of dying and death, of loss. It is also an image of birth, new life. The end is the beginning for Jesus, for Mary and the beloved disciple and for the Church.

Luke 2:33-35:

While Simon’s words must have caused immediate wonder and awe for Mary and Joseph, they are also words that they would hold onto and ponder for years to come.

I am thankful to have you, dearest Mary, as model and mother. Your sorrow turned to joy. Pray for me and with me that I may grow to be more like you.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 15, 2022

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wednesday | September 14, 2022

John 3:13-17:

Jesus continues his instruction of Nicodemus with reference to Moses and the elevated serpent. Elevation-exaltation is central to John’s theology as it is to all Christianity. With that is the understanding that God’s motivation to give his only Son is love, love for all creation especially humanity. Salvation is dependent upon that love.

My dearest Jesus, you emptied yourself. You humbled yourself. You were obedient to your Father to your death. How can I forget that? How can I ignore that? How do I measure up to that kind of love?

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 14, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday | September 13, 2022

Luke 7:11-17:

The woman is not only widowed, but she has also lost her only son leaving her completely alone. Moved by this sad situation, Jesus brings the boy back to life. The people who witness this miraculous event remember Elijah doing the same and thus see Jesus as a “great prophet.”

There are so many who, because of their circumstances, feel completely alone. I pray to recognize this and to be willing to be a good companion on their journey.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 13, 2022

Monday, September 12, 2022

Monday | September 12, 2022

Luke 7:1-10:

That the centurion is not a Jew is important to this story as is the fact that he is a good and kind man who has found favor with the Jewish people. He seeks the compassion of Jesus but feeling undeserving of being in Jesus’ presence or having Jesus in his home, he sends messengers in the hope that Jesus will cure his slave from a distance. Jesus senses this man’s tremendous faith and heals the slave by his word.

I am thankful to be reminded by this unlikely character of the disposition I must have each time I come to your table. I am not worthy.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 12, 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunday | September 11, 2022

Luke 15:1-32:

This entire chapter in Luke’s Gospel is devoted to the joy felt when someone or something lost is found. In each scenario, the shepherd, the woman and the father, go above and beyond what would normally be done to find the lost. And in the end, they celebrate.

I find such comfort in these stories. You do not let me out of your sight. No matter my sin, you will me back and celebrate my return to you.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 11, 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday | September 10, 2022

Luke 6:43-49:

Jesus uses two fruit trees to illustrate the significance of the source of our actions, why we do what we do. Like the healthy tree, goodness within yields goodness without. Jesus’ discourse ends with the parable of the two foundations. Following Jesus, trusting and believing in him, is the foundation upon which we are to build our lives.

You are my source and my foundation. I pray to be mindful every day of my life of your abiding presence within me, before me, behind me, beside me.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: September 10, 2022

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.