Democracy & Governance Programme

Joint Civil Society Statement on Cyber Security, Cyber Crime, and Anti-Terrorism Bills

Joint Civil Society Statement: Cyber Security, Cyber Crime, and Anti-Terrorism Bills at MISA HOUSE on December 5th 2024

The undersigned civil society organisations (CSOs) would like to set out why they are opposed to the enacting of the Cyber Security, Cyber Crimes and Anti-Terrorism Bills currently before Parliament, in their current form.

In opposing the enactment of these Bills and calling for their withdrawal from Parliament, we the undersigned CSOs would like to emphasise that we understand and support the need for regulation of cyber space for the protection of citizens and the nation.

The concern of the CSOs, therefore, is not that the use of cyber space will be overseen by justiciable laws but that the three Bills, as they have been drafted, are in fundamental ways an affront to democracy and citizen rights.

Download the entire Joint Civil Society Statement on Cyber Security, Cyber Crime, and Anti-Terrorism Bills issued at MISA HOUSE on December 5th 2024 here: Joint-Civil-Society-Statement-on-Cyber-Security-Cyber-Crime-and-Anti-Terrorism-Bills.pdf

Safeguard Both National Security And The Civil Liberties Of All Zambians


Wednesday 4th December 2024.

Caritas Zambia in solidarity with other civil society organizations, expresses deep concern regarding the proposed Cyber Crimes and Anti-Terrorism Bills currently before Parliament. While acknowledging the importance of these bills in strengthening national security and combating cyber threats, Caritas Zambia stresses concern and the potential implications of these bills demand immediate attention and reconsideration

The potential impacts of these bills on governance, society, and the economy are multifaceted. Caritas Zambia believes that without proper public participation, the bills could lead to unintended consequences that infringe on fundamental rights, including freedom of speech, expression, and privacy. There is a delicate balance between national security and protecting individual freedoms, and we are particularly concerned about the risks of excessive surveillance and misuse of power by authorities.

We draw attention to historical instances where laws have been used to undermine democratic rights and target political activists and minority groups. We fear that, under the guise of national security, these bills could be misused to stifle political dissent and curtail freedom of expression.

Furthermore, we acknowledge the role of technology as a catalyst for addressing global challenges. However, restrictive cyber laws could deter technological progress and innovation while discouraging investment in Zambia’s growing tech sector. Overregulation risks alienating businesses and investors vital for national economic growth.

Caritas Zambia also expresses concern on the potential strain these laws may place on Zambia’s international relations which cannot be ignored, which are crucial for fostering successful trade policies and partnerships with other nations.

Caritas Zambia implores the government to act decisively in withdrawing the bills to allow for comprehensive stakeholder engagement and public participation. It is critical to ensure that any legislative action balances the dual objectives of safeguarding national security and upholding civil liberties. Transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights must underpin any new legal frameworks.

In conclusion, Caritas Zambia urges the government to ensure that national security measures do not come at the expense of individual rights and freedoms. It is imperative that any legislation passed reflects the principles of transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. The future of Zambia’s democracy and social cohesion hangs in the balance. Rushing these bills through Parliament without adequate consultation could lead to long-term consequences that jeopardize the rights and welfare of all Zambians. Caritas Zambia stands firm in its commitment to advocating for legislation that reflects the will and rights of the people. We urge all stakeholders to join us in calling for the withdrawal of these bills until a more inclusive, transparent, and just process is ensured.

We call for careful deliberation and meaningful public participation in the legislative process to safeguard both national security and the civil liberties of all Zambians.

Issued By: Executive Director

Fr. Dr. Gabriel Mapulanga

Download the entire Safeguard Both National Security And The Civil Liberties Of All Zambians signed Caritas Zambia Statement On Cyber Security Bills here:

Leveraging Church Structures For Efficient Relief Services - President Hakainde Hichilema

VIDEO: Leveraging Church Structures For Efficient Relief Services - President Hakainde Hichilema

In a recent address at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral in Mongu, western province of Zambia, President Hakainde Hichilema emphasized the importance of utilizing established Church structures to deliver relief services effectively to those in need. His remarks underscored the value of partnerships with well-established structures such as Caritas and other Church units, highlighting the opportunity to leverage existing networks and resources without duplicating efforts. President Hichilema articulated that there is no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to humanitarian aid and relief services.

Strengthening Community Support

Caritas as a key partner: Operates under the auspices of the Bishops Conferences, ensuring alignment with Catholic social teachings and pastoral priorities. The organization's multifaceted approach encompasses development assistance, humanitarian aid, and social services tailored to meet the needs of diverse communities.
Through partnerships with local communities, governments, and organizations, Caritas promotes sustainable development and empowers individuals and families. Their initiatives span crucial areas such as emergency response, healthcare, education, child protection, food security, and advocacy for human rights and social justice.

Building on Networks for Effective Outreach

The collaborative efforts advocated by President Hichilema align with Caritas's mission to deliver impactful, sustainable support. By tapping into established networks and resources within the Church, the government can streamline its relief efforts and ensure that support reaches those who need it most.

This approach not only optimizes the delivery of services but also fosters community resilience and empowerment. By leveraging the expertise of organizations like Caritas, the government can extend its reach and make a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable populations.

Leveraging Church structures reflects a strategic and pragmatic approach to addressing humanitarian challenges. By embracing existing platforms like Caritas which have a long-standing presence and expertise in community outreach, the government can efficiently extend its support to vulnerable populations.

This article explores President Hichilema's emphasis on leveraging Church structures for effective relief services, particularly highlighting the role of Caritas in extending support to vulnerable populations.


Hakainde Hichilema's Inauguration as Zambia’s 7th Republican President – Picture Curtesy of media Sources

UPND's One Year in Government - CARITAS Zambia Review


“Amen, I say to you, insofar as you did it for one of these least of my brothers (and Sisters), you did it for me.” (Mt 25: 40)

PRESS RELEASE: 28th August 2022

President Hakainde Hichilema and Vice President Mrs. Mutale Nalumango took over leadership of former president Edgar Lungu led patriotic front, at a time when the world was reeling from a global pandemic, and an economy under severe stress, in addition to a mounting debt crisis. These economic challenges combined have continued to cause both high levels of Poverty and inequality in the country. During campaigns, the new dawn Government assured the citizens of returning to its development trajectory and economic prosperity, Country with a development that considers the inclusion of all citizens, leaving no one behind. Furthermore, the UPND promised that it would invest in the people to cultivate a human resource base, putting ample resources to preserve the welfare of the citizens without discrimination and provide health care, education, and investments in agriculture and mining.

This statement on the UPND's first anniversary is informed by the Churches' prophetic role that inspires it to speak out on behalf of the poor and marginalized in society. Guided by values of the dignity of every person, solidarity, the common good and subsidiarity,  we make this analysis, in order to contribute to the search for solutions to the current crisis, hoping that Government will address the areas of concern that need attention.

Download the entire UPND's One Year in Government - CARITAS Zambia Review here

CCMG Verification Statement on the Accuracy of the Official 2021 Presidential Results

“CCMG PVT Verifies the ECZ Official Results for the Presidential Election Reflect the Ballots Cast at Polling Stations”

16 August 2021


Today, the Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG) is releasing its verification statement on the accuracy of the presidential results. CCMG conducted a parallel vote tabulation (PVT) for the presidential election as part of our comprehensive monitoring of the 2021 general elections. As we stated during the preliminary statement, CCMG completed its PVT by 12 noon on Friday 13 August 2021 with over 99% of our monitors having sent in their observation reports. Had it proved necessary, CCMG would have released its PVT estimates if we had any indication there was manipulation of the official results. We commend the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for fulfilling its constitutional duty with honour and are grateful to them for not having to do so. CCMG now confirms that its PVT verifies that ECZ’s official presidential results reflect the ballots cast at polling stations.

Download the entire CCMG Verification Statement on the Accuracy of the Official 2021 Presidential Results here 2021.pdf

Picture courtesy of Zambia Votes 2021



When u enter the polling station you will be taken to:

  • *Table 1.* where identification and verification in the register will be done.
  • *Table 2* Your right tip of the thumbnail will be inked.
  • *Don't go with painted nails*
  • Then you will be given a Presidential Ballot paper which is *stamped at the back*
  • *Table 3* You will be issued with Ballot papers


All the Ballot papers *Must* *be stamped* at the back.

You will then go to the Booth to mark your preferred candidate. Choose only one per Ballot paper.

Then place your Ballot papers in the correct Ballot Boxes.

1. *Orange* for Presidential

2. *Red* for MP

3. *Purple* for Mayor/ Council Chairperson

4. *Black* for Local Government/ Councilor.

When in Doubt Please feel free to ask the poll staff.

Your Vote Your Right,

Your Vote your Voice.

Organisational Values

Organisational Values


Caritas Zambia believes in the dignity of every person made in theImage of God. Therefore, Caritas Zambia shall treat every human being with respect and compassion.


We commit ourselves to creating an environment where the poor are not oppressed but can claim and access their rights.


We are committed to good stewardship of resources to our stakeholders, the beneficiaries and among ourselves. Accountability shall include being faithful to our organizational objectives.


As stewards of the earth we endeavor to promote the integrityof the environment by respecting biodiversity and ecologically sensitive areas.


We actively support women and men to have equal access to and control over productive resources and benefits as well as existing opportunities.


We remain duty bound for the improvement of people's lives.


We have undivided belief and truthfulnessin the way we relate to oneanother in what we do.

Democracy and Governance Programme (DGP)

A Zambian society which upholds tenets of democracy (promotes people participation)


  • Electoral Process
  • Constitutionalism
  • Parliamentary work
  • Decentralisation

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.