Thursday | December 9, 2021
Matthew 11:11-15:
Jesus gives a stern warning to those who reject John the Baptist. John is the fulfillment of prophets of old and the one who prepares the way for the greatest Prophet. Their opposition to the preaching of John and Jesus is opposition to the kingdom.
It is difficult to understand such blatant rejection. Sadly, things have not changed. There are and will always be those who reject you and reject those who believe in you. I want to be, like John, one who never gives up leading people to you and the kingdom.
Wednesday | December 8, 2021
Luke 1:26-38:
Though troubled by what the angel said to her, Mary responds with humility and grace. She is the model disciple. She said yes, not only to being the physical bearer of the Son of God, but also the spiritual bearer of the Good News.
I believe that some insight into understanding what grace is lies in the words, “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you.” Pray for me.
Tuesday | December 7, 2021
Matthew 18:12-14:
God does not want any of his people lost to him. Just as Jesus seeks out the one stray so must the disciples. And if even one sinner returns, it will be great cause for celebration.
I call to mind the beautiful image of you carrying the lamb over your shoulders. I thank you for all the times you have carried me.
Monday | December 6, 2021
Luke 5:17-26:
Their concern for their friend and their faith in Jesus lead those carrying his mat in an awkward ascent to the roof from which they lower him to a place before Jesus. This is not the first time for conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees, nor is it the last. True to form, they are fixated on his claim to have authority by his words and works.
I pray in thanksgiving for friends who hold me physically, emotionally and spiritually. May God bless them for their selfless love.
Sunday | December 5, 2021
Luke 3:1-6:
The Gospel begins with a historical and political context for John’s ministry. He is the last of the old, the bridge to the new. We recall the words from the Canticle of Zechariah, “… you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins.”
Because we are human and sin, we know that repentance is a very important part of our relationship with you and with one another. May we worthily prepare the way for your return.
Saturday | December 4, 2021
Matthew 9:35-10:1-5a, 6-8:
While continuing to heal the people, Jesus is deeply moved by their innermost needs. They are like sheep without a shepherd and the harvest without workers to bring in the crops. It is time to send the disciples on his Father’s mission. Jesus commissions them and sends them out to minister to the needs of the people.
Just as you called and sent the disciples, you call and send me. I am excited to be part of your missionary work. Give me all I need to do your will.
Friday | December 3, 2021
Matthew 9:27-31:
Because the two men are blind, they are ostracized. Perhaps what they have in common drew them together. In their relationship, they found the courage to seek out the healer. They ask for pity. Because of their faith, Jesus gives them sight.
You have so many times enlightened my eyes, my heart and my mind. You let your light shine through me so that others come to know you.
Thursday | December 2, 2021
Matthew 7:21, 24-27:
The Gospel begins with Jesus’ clear instruction about the relationship between word and action. Jesus tells his disciples that it is not enough to just know who he is. It is their ever-deepening relationship with him that spurs them to action. Both word and deed lay the firm foundation for being kingdom bound.
I am thankful that you showed me it is not enough to know about you. It is in knowing you that I find the desire to invite others to do the same.
Wednesday | December 1, 2021
Matthew 15:29-37:
People with all kinds of physical maladies are brought to Jesus and he heals them. Jesus expresses to the disciples his concern about the wellbeing of those gathered. They have been there for three days and have gone that long without food. The disciples rally and rather than suggesting they go home, they find a meager amount of food which Jesus blesses and multiplies and all are fed.
The words of the Psalm 23 are a constant reminder of your love and care for me. You give me repose, guide me, feed and anoint me. You are my shepherd.
Friday | October 29, 2021
Luke 14:1-6:
The Pharisees are keeping a careful eye on Jesus. No doubt some are watching and waiting for all the wrong reasons. Jesus knows what they are about and questions their motives before he acts. He heals the man and then challenges them with a question embedded in a familiar scenario. They are unable to respond.
You teach us how to say what must be said, do what must be done even when it stands against the norms of society.