Friday | March 11, 2022
Matthew 5:20-26:
Jesus’ teaching in this part of the sermon on the mount is more radical than that of the scribes. In this first antithesis Jesus tells his disciples that an act of violence against another is rooted in anger, thoughts and feelings that must be reconciled before they lead to action.
I pray to recognize the evil I must avoid and to have the strength to choose the good.
Thursday | March 10, 2022
Matthew 7:7-12:
The “Golden Rule” is of great importance in most religions and cultures. In the Gospel today, it is preceded by Jesus’ instruction to his disciples about God’s love for his people. All anyone must do is turn to God, by asking, seeking and knocking. God answers.
Why do we make life so difficult? To care for others in the same way we hope to be cared for is at the core of our human nature as God created us.
Wednesday | March 9, 2022
Luke 11:29-32:
The people want proof that Jesus’ spiritual authority is legitimate. Sadly, what he has said and done is not enough for them. They are God’s chosen people! Jesus recounts stories of gentiles more open to God’s will than they are.
I find myself asking for “signs,” forgetting that it is your voice in my heart guiding me every moment of every day.
Tuesday | March 8, 2022
Matthew 6:7-15:
Jesus compares prayer that creates a public spectacle, babbling like the pagans and prayer that is from the heart, sincere and genuine. God already knows our needs. Turning to God, trusting that he listens, and answers is an exercise that not only enriches our relationship with God but also builds our trust in his will for us.
I remember memorizing the Lord’s Prayer as a child. Over the years the words have moved from my head to my heart.
Monday | March 7, 2022
Matthew 4:1-13:
This challenging discourse is about love. In the end all humanity will be judged on how well we have cared for our sisters and brothers who are in need. The examples given are those hungry, homeless, naked, sick or imprisoned. What we do for the “least,” we do for God.
You are love, O God. Your law, precepts and commands are not restrictions but gifts for us. They guide us in living our lives in accord with your will.
Sunday | March 6, 2022
Luke 4:1-13:
Jesus’ time has come. The Spirit leads him to the desert for 40 days. Jesus’ period of preparation for ministry is interrupted by the devil who tempts Jesus to deviate from his allegiance and obedience to his Father. Jesus is tested but remains faithful.
Help me to keep my eyes on you alone no matter who or what tries to draw me away.
Saturday | March 5, 2022
Luke 5:27-32:
Tax collectors were judged collectively by the dishonesty associated with their profession. Much to the dismay of the Jewish leaders, Jesus reaches past those barriers to the heart of the person always with the hope that they will be transformed.
There are so many whose hearts are hardened to your love. And yet your love has the power to transform us. Thank you for being open to us in the hope that we will be open to you.
Friday | March 4, 2022
Matthew 9:14-15:
John’s disciples observe the vast difference between their ascetic practices and that of Jesus and his disciples. It makes sense that they would ask questions not to trap Jesus but rather to understand this radical newness that Jesus brings.
I commit to reflecting daily on Psalm 51. It is a beautiful guide for daily contrition. “Have mercy on me, O Lord.”
Friday | March 3, 2022
Luke 9:22-25:
It is made clear in Jesus’ first prediction of his passion that he, the long awaited “Son of Man” is not the Messiah the people expected. Though he will be rejected and ultimately killed, God will vindicate him. Jesus invites his followers to follow him.
Thank you for the hope you give me through our relationship, your Word and sacrament.
Thursday | March 2, 2022
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18:
Jesus’ instruction to his disciples is centered on that which will lead them toward an interior conversion. What they do must not be done in a way that draws attention to themselves but rather in a way that comes from their hearts and best serves God and neighbor.
Be with us Lord during this holy season. We are all sinners, thankful for your unconditional love and mercy.