Daily Gospel Reflections

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday | April 13, 2022

Matthew 26:14-25:

The plan is in place as Judas watches and waits for the right moment. The disciples are distressed by Jesus’ statement about betrayal. Perhaps Judas thinks he feigns innocence well but Jesus, very much in charge of the situation, knows exactly who his betrayer is.

Betrayal seemed to come so easily to Judas and yet in the end he was filled with despair. I pray for all those tempted to choose that path. May they be open to your healing love and mercy.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 13, 2022

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday | April 12, 2022

John 13:21-33, 36-38:

Jesus acknowledges Judas’s guilt. Judas leaves and thus sets the night into motion. Jesus tells the remaining apostles that he will soon leave, and they cannot go with him. Peter wants to know where Jesus is going and in the same breath passionately professes his love and fidelity. Jesus tells Peter that by early morning he too will betray him by denying that he knows Jesus, not once, but three times.

Judas and Peter gave in to their weakness. There are times when I have done the same. Thank you for not only giving me the grace to turn back to you but for welcoming me with open arms.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 12, 2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday | April 11, 2022

John 12:1-11:

Jesus is with his friends. Martha serves the meal and Mary anoints Jesus’ feet. Lazarus’s presence is proof of Jesus’ living word. It is Judas who calls attention to himself by criticizing Mary’s use of the oil. His reasoning makes little sense because he cares nothing for the poor. Friendship, fidelity, hypocrisy, and betrayal are all part of the movement toward Jesus’ passion and death.

We continue to pray for the elect, the candidates and all who journey together through this, the holiest week of the year.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 11, 2022

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sunday | April 10, 2022

Luke 19:28-40,22:14-23:56:

The assembly processes with blessed palms elevated, heralding Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. “When the hour came,” the words that begin Luke’s Passion narrative draw the listeners into the dramatic unfolding of God’s plan. Through tremendous suffering and a humiliating death, Jesus, the Messiah is glorified.

We process, with palms elevated, shouting Hosanna. It is our attempt to enter that moment in time. We hear your passion proclaimed for the first time this week. How blessed are we to know the rest of your story, our story.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 10, 2022

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Saturday | April 9, 2022

John 11:45-56:

There are those witnesses of the miracle of Lazarus brought back from death who came to believe in Jesus. Then there are those who use Jesus’ action to destroy him. The Jewish leaders gather. It is the high priest Caiaphas who influences their decision as to how to proceed. Jesus is a threat and so better to sacrifice him than their nation.

There are those who unite and there are those who divide. Strengthen your people. Bring us together in your name.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 9, 2022

Friday, April 8, 2022

Friday | April 8, 2022

John 10:31-42:

The people are unable to accept anything Jesus says about his relationship to the Father. Because they believe his words to be blasphemy, the good works Jesus has done count for nothing. He returns to the place where his ministry began. The people make the connection between John and Jesus and with that, they come to believe in him.

I pray this day for those who do not believe. Holy Spirit, touch their hearts, open their eyes, draw them to the truth.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 8, 2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thursday | April 7, 2022

John 8:51-59:

The volley of words between the Jews and Jesus continues and the dispute intensifies. He tells them that he is greater than Abraham and the prophets. Though presently in the first half of his human life, He, the great I AM, was before they came into being. This clear assertion of his divinity sends the Jews over the edge.

You are God’s greatest covenant. Thank you for inviting me into that eternal relationship. I pray for those who do not understand.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 7, 2022

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wednesday | April 6, 2022

John 8:31-42:

Jesus is speaking to those Jews “who believe in him” about his Father. There is still confusion and resistance. They take what he says about sin as slavery literally and become defensive about their heritage. Jesus quells the dispute by stating clearly who he is and “whose” he is.

Loving God, I give you glory. You are the way, the truth and the light. Your love frees me from the bondage of sin.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 6, 2022

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Tuesday | April 5, 2022

John 8:21-30:

The tension is escalating rapidly as Jesus’ final days draw near. In today’s Gospel, he speaks publicly about his divine origin and at the same time his obedience and subservience to the Father. He tells the “Jews,” though they may not know him now, they will when they raise him up on the cross. John tells us that those words bring some to believe.

I reflect today on the depth and breadth of those two words, “I AM.”

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 5, 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022

Monday | April 4, 2022

John 8:12-20:

In the first reading from Deuteronomy, we hear a story about the false testimony undone by a proper investigation. For every question posed by the Pharisees in John’s Gospel, Jesus has an answer and counters every argument. They are not willing to accept Jesus’ testimony because their minds are already made up.

There are so many who cannot or will not accept the truth. They spin their own truth. I want so much to help them see.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 4, 2022

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.