Wednesday | June 29, 2022
John 21:15-19:
Paul humbly outlines his conversion in his letter to the Galatians. We hear in the Gospel that although Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus gives him the opportunity to profess his faith by answering a question posed three times. Jesus entrusts Peter with his mission as shepherd of his flock.
Matthew 16:13-19:
In his letter to Timothy, Paul speaks of what he has been able to accomplish by God’s grace. In the Gospel, Jesus’ first asks what people are saying about him. Then he directs a question to the disciples asking for their assessment. Peter, the spokesperson, confesses his faith that Jesus is the Messiah.
Tuesday | June 28, 2022
Matthew 8:23-27:
The disciples’ faith is not yet enough to help them weather a storm. Jesus is with them and calms the sea thus calming their fear. Faith is essential to discipleship and this test of their faith is an opportunity to grow toward perfect faith.
I am thankful that I am never alone in the boat, I am safe in the storms, and I have you to calm the sea.
Sunday| June 26, 2022
Luke 9:51-62:
Jesus’ resolute determination to go to Jerusalem does not interfere in any way with his mission on the way. Though unwelcome by the Samaritans, Jesus chastises his disciples for their reaction to the treatment. Those along the way who express their desire to be Jesus ’disciples do not understand what it meant to commit to following him.
Though I want to be who you call me to be, I realize that I fall short of having that determination required of a disciple. Please show me the way.
Monday| June 27, 2022
Matthew 8:18-22:
In today’s Gospel, we hear the same message from Matthew about discipleship as we heard from Luke. The demands of discipleship are radical and must be held above all else. The Jewish people found this difficult. Family obligation was a priority.
Let us remember that putting God first does not take away from our obligation to family. Rather it serves our care for others, especially our families.
Saturday | June 25, 2022
Luke 2:41-51:
What parent would not be able to relate to the feelings that Mary and Joseph had from the moment when they realized Jesus was missing, to finding him safe and well. Seeing their son teaching in the temple must have given them not only a sense of pride but also insight into his mission.
We pray for parents to recognize their children’s abilities and to guide their growth and development, using those God-given gifts throughout their lives.
Friday | June 24, 2022
Luke 15:3-7:
Luke’s Gospel today is one of three parables about Jesus’ gracious and loving concern for the lost. Leaving almost an entire flock alone while going after one lost is a huge risk, one that few would even consider taking. But this is God’s way.
How blessed are we that your concern for each one of us is so great. You care for us when we cannot care for ourselves. You search for us when we stray.
Thursday | June 23, 2022
Luke 1:57-66, 80:
Zechariah lost his ability to speak because of the doubt voiced to the angel who announced Elizabeth bearing a son. However, he regains his ability to speak once he confirms the name for the child given by the angel. Zechariah prays a prayer of blessing to God. He and all the people are in awe of God’s wondrous deeds.
I am thankful for the words of the canticle. They help me express my gratitude for all you do for me.
Wednesday | June 22, 2022
Matthew 7:15-20:
Jesus uses elements of nature, familiar to the people, to describe those who rightly speak for God and those who do not. Prophets are recognized by the nature of their work. The truth in what they say is ultimately revealed.
May our ability to discern whether a person is speaking the truth be strengthened in these troubled times.
Tuesday | June 21, 2022
Matthew 7:6, 12-14:
The passage begins with Jesus’ words about those who oppose him and his message. He goes on to say that the “golden rule” summarizes Old Testament tradition and concludes with reference to the “two ways,” one that leads to life, the other destruction. Not everyone chooses the way to life.
Though I may not be able to crack the hard exterior of some, I must not stop praying for them confident in your ability to touch their hearts.
Monday | June 20, 2022
Matthew 7:1-5:
Jesus tells his disciples that they are called to be less concerned about the faults of others than their own weakness and sin. Fraternal correction is part of caring for others but first they must look honestly at themselves and seek God’s forgiveness and healing before correcting others.
You have given me the grace to recognize and confess my sins. I ask that you continue to help me live my life out of your love rather than my sin.